Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies Queensland



Membership of the Royal United Service Institute for Defence and Security Studies in Australia is open to any person who supports the aims of the Institute, and is prepared to abide by its rules. Our members come from diverse backgrounds, but we all share an interest in promoting informed debate on defence and national security, while at the same time expanding our own personal understanding of such matters. We address both current defence affairs and historical perspectives.

Subscriptions: $45 per financial year. Subscriptions may be paid by Cheque to the below address, by EFT (Royal United Service Institute Qld Inc; BSB: 034-077; Account: 547392), or by cheque or cash to the Treasurer while attending a lecture.

All members are requested to advise us of their Email address if they actively use one. This will help us to advise them of our activities throughout the year and save on the amount of postage and telephone calls.

Please complete and submit in accord with instructions on the form.

© Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies Queensland Inc, PO BOX 315, INDOOROOPILLY QLD 4068, AUSTRALIA, Tel: +61 (0)427 337 177  Click to contact
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