Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies Queensland


About Us

A meeting of some 80 naval and military officers, "a veritable roll-call of the Battle of Waterloo", in London on 25 June 1831, agreed to form a Naval and Military Library and Museum (Kent, 1996). King William IV agreed to be the Patron of the new Institution and the Duke of Wellington to be its founding President. The United Service Institution was officially born the following day - 26 June 1831. The Duke of Wellington presented his personal sword to the Institution to be permanently displayed as a symbol of the link between the Institution and the Armed Forces.

The new Institution was a unique one (Kent, 1996). It was closely associated with the Armed Forces but was not a part of them; a body of people who acted as a bridge between the military and society at large. It has continued to fulfil this role to the present day and has developed strong links to the Diplomatic Service, the Public Service and academia. It now styles itself "Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies" and has become highly respected internationally for its regular provision of informed public commentary on the major defence and security issues of the day.

The United Service Institution formula was over time exported from London to all the corners of the former British Empire and beyond; and continues to flourish in India, Australia and Canada, among others. Following the collapse of the Warsaw Pact in the early 1990s, several eastern European countries established institutes based on the Royal United Services Institute model (Kent, 1996).

Air Force Drone Naval Task Force


The aim of the Royal United Service Institute Queensland (RUSIQ) is to promote discussion and debate, and improve public awareness and understanding of national security and defence-related matters.


Membership is open to all persons 18 years or older who are interested in the defence and security of Australia. The membership year is from 1st July to 30th June.

Lectures and Seminars

RUSIQ conducts lectures on topics aligned to its Charter between February and November normally on the third Wednesday at 12:45pm. Lectures cost $15 per head for members and $20 for visitors. This cost is inclusive of a light lunch served from midday. Seminars are also conducted periodically along with social events.

Normal Business Hours

The RUSIQ office is located in RUSIQ Hall inside the Victoria Barracks grounds and is open on Wednesdays from 0930 to 1500 hours. Access to Victoria Barracks may be restricted due to the security status so please contact the Secretary to organise a visit.


Members receive a newsletter published by RUSI National and accessible here: .


The library has over 9000 books and other resources specialised in military history, general history, defence and national se


Facilities when access to Victoria Barracks Brisbane is available include a large lecture theatre/assembly area with electronic projection equipment, a well-equipped conference room, an excellent library, and an ante-room suitable for meals, drinks and reading/recreation. Free parking is available on-site.


RUSI gentlemens' ties ($23.00) are available from the Secretary. If you require orders to be posted to you, then please add $5 for postage and handling within Australia.

Subscriptions: $45 per financial year. Subscriptions may be paid by Cheque to the below address, by EFT (Royal United Service Institute Qld Inc; BSB: 034-077; Account: 547392), or by cheque or cash to the Treasurer while attending a lecture.

© Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies Queensland Inc, PO BOX 315, INDOOROOPILLY QLD 4068, AUSTRALIA, Tel: +61 (0)427 337 177  Click to contact
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