Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies Queensland



RUSI Hall Queensland Welcome to Royal United Services Institute Queensland

The aim of the Institute is to promote informed debate, and to improve public awareness and understanding of defence and national security. The Royal United Service Institute (RUSI) Queensland was founded in Brisbane in 1892 under the presidency of Major General John Fletcher Owen, Commandant, Queensland Defence Force. The organisation centred on improving the education of Service Officers by promoting the study of strategic and defence matters. The RUSI of Queensland is a Constituent Body of the Royal United Services Institute of Australia.

The RUSIQ office hours are Tuesday and Wednesday of each week from 0930 to 1500. The building and the Library will be open and staffed by our committee members or volunteer staff during these times. Messages may be left anytime on the phone numbers or by using the contact form. The Secretary, Tony Wadeson may be contacted anytime by his mobile phone 0427 337 177 or by using the contact form: Click to contact

On this site you will find access to our lastest events and seminars, as well as the ability to sign up as members, via our different membership levels located in our membership page.

© Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies Queensland Inc, PO BOX 315, INDOOROOPILLY QLD 4068, AUSTRALIA, Tel: +61 (0)427 337 177  Click to contact
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